The Blue House
This house was inspired by the color blue. Blue is everywhere in nature, from the sky to the rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans.
Shown in the first picture is part of the kitchen in the Blue House. You can see, off to the right, the blue fireplace and the blue front door. The ceiling is blue, so I thought it perfect for the soffit to be blue too. (For all of you people out there who have no clue what a soffit is, here is the the Wikipedia definition: The underside of a ceiling to fill the space above the kitchen cabinets.) To the left, you can see the butler’s pantry that isn’t much of a pantry, more like a hall between the kitchen and dining room.
Shown in the second picture is the floorplan. The living room and breakfast nook and kitchen is the largest room, towards the top left. The master bedroom is the room with the blue bed, towards the top right. The master bath wraps around the bottom right corner. The guest room is the room with the smaller yellow/orange bed towards the bottom right. The guest bath is in the middle of the master suite and guest room. The dining room is in the bottom left corner.

Shown in the third picture is the guest bathroom. To make it more interesting, I put a dark wood and a neon green stripe on the blue wall behind the tub.
Shown in the fourth picture is the master bedroom. The windows bring in a lot of natural light, wonderful in the morning. The blue colored wall continues all the way into the connected master bathroom. The painting on the wall is Starry Starry Night by Van Gogh. I put the vase in the corner to make the room seem more “livable.”
If walls could dream… they’d dream of blue, blue, and more blue, but then they’d get sick of blue and wake up. 🙂