Cal Poly Architecture
Humanitarian Architecture Thesis: Chiedza Solar Village
My Bachelor of Architecture Thesis at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo is a humanitarian project with Journeyman International, a humanitarian[...]
Humanitarian Thesis Trip to Rwanda
I am volunteering with Journeyman International (JI) to design a humanitarian agricultural training center for my thesis and I got[...]
Overlapping Transparency
This quarter, I got to design a mixed use homeless housing project in Los Angeles. This project is based on[...]
Some teenagers fangirl over celebrities or musicians. Me? I fangirl over architects. Peter Zumthor, the Pritzker Prize winning architect of[...]
Oakland Library
The fall quarter of my third year, I decided to take a studio that focuses on massing and designing in[...]
Less Shape, More Geometry
As a warm-up project my fall quarter of third year, and to introduce us to Grasshopper, an algorithmic modeling software[...]
Summer Workshop RA
This was my third year working as an RA for the Cal Poly Summer Architecture Career Workshop. I attended the[...]
Nature Elementary School
Spring quarter of my second year, I designed a nature-focused elementary school. We started the quarter by designing one element[...]
Foodways Bakery
Fall quarter of my second year studying architecture at Cal Poly, I designed a bakery and community center in Guadalupe,[...]
Cal Poly SLO Arch 131 Kit
The initial excitement of getting into Cal Poly has worn off and now you are faced with a long (and[...]
Sunset Over Day Two
Beautiful sunset over day 2 of the architecture workshop. Tried to capture it in a watercolor - almost there but[...]
Back At It
I'm back at Cal Poly as an RA for the Summer Architecture Career Workshop! I attended the workshop when I[...]
Middelboe House by Jorn Utzon
For a nice change of pace after Design Village, our next project this quarter was a research project about a[...]
Design Village 2016
Design Village 2016 was a success! You can read about my project inTENTse here. I wanted to share some of[...]
Design Village 2016: inTENTse
“You have three weeks to design and construct a structure for you and four other people to sleep in for[...]
Drawing Haus
Drawing Haus was the last project of Winter quarter. It was all about creating a space where you could relax,[...]
paraSITE 2016
My finished paraSITE project:Viewports to mountain peaks:Joints: Check back soon for more about my process and to see the other projects!
Sheet Metal Tetrahedron
Also inspired by the primitive shapes, we made a sheet metal model of a shape that had been sliced to[...]
Secret Compartment Cube
After making our primitives, we were put into groups to construct a cube with a "secret compartment" inside. The cube[...]
For our first project of the quarter, we went back to the basics, modeling the "primitive" shapes: a cube, a[...]
Final Pier Model
We finally finished the pier! We tied all the sections together and hung them from the ceiling.This is my final[...]
Pier Models 2.0
Okay so you remember the original model of my group's section of the pier. Now it's time to design something[...]
Pier Model
After measuring the pier, we built a scale model of it.Our section of the pier had a road down the[...]
The Pier Project
A right of passage here in the Cal Poly architecture department is the pier project. One bright Sunday morning, the[...]
Paper Folding Tutorial
Want to learn how to create a folded-paper sculpture like my Interpolated Void project? Check out my newest YouTube tutorial:
Parents Weekend Showcase
We hung all our interpolated voids up for the Parents Weekend Showcase. They turned out really incredible with the lights[...]
Interpolated Void Final Model
Just a refresher, we started with two photos and extrapolated lines between them. Then, we made that paper into a[...]
Paper Folding Study
For my final model, I experimented with folded paper. I chose a glide reflection pattern that I found in the[...]
Study Models
A collection of study models for my final Interpolated Void project: a full model with an LED light inside it.Playing[...]
Interpolated Void
Our second big project of the year is called interpolated void. The concept of the project is to take two[...]
Camera Obscura
For my environmental design class, we created a camera obscura in our classroom by covering all the windows in the[...]
Gamespace Part 4
For the final part of the gamespace project, we created a slightly larger model that was a combination of three[...]
Gamespace Part 3
After finishing the models for each game, we picked our favorite 3 to redo with the added parameter that you[...]
Gamespace Part 2
For the second part of the Gamespace project, we made models based on our diagrams. My first model is for the[...]
Gamespace Part 1
It's my first project as an architecture student at Cal Poly! It still feels like a dream to be here. The[...]
I am two weeks into my second internship at an architecture office. My first internship was during the end of[...]
Cal Poly Open House 2015
Last weekend, I visited San Luis Obispo for Cal Poly's Open House.I went to Farmer's Market Thursday evening and checked[...]
Cal Poly Acceptance!
I have officially been accepted early decision at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo! I will be studying architecture there[...]
Visiting Cornell University: My Top 4 Things To Do
This past weekend, I visited Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. I had a wonderful time exploring the beautiful campus[...]
Map of Architecture Colleges
As all "visual people" would know, the NAAB (National Architecture Accreditation Board) list of architecture colleges is not very helpful[...]
Happy National Architecture Week!
It's National Architecture Week, the perfect time to take a moment to appreciate the architects and architecture around us! The[...]
Final Model Virtual Tour
Remember my Final Project from Cal Poly's Summer Architecture Career Workshop? Well I finally got around to modeling it in[...]
My TED Talk: Personal, Timeless, Everywhere
The wait's over! The video of my TED talk is finally up! Photos by Cassie Triplett and Isaac Cook I[...]
Architecture is…
I've been blogging about architecture for almost four years now, and asked a lot of walls why they're dreaming, but[...]
Throwback Thursday: Meet the RAs
This Thursday, I’m throwing it back to just about a week ago, introducing you guys to the last two RAs[...]
Final Project
I can hardly believe that it's already been a month and that my time at Cal Poly's Summer Architecture Career[...]
Final Project Sneak Peek
Hello everyone! I can't believe it's already the end of the architecture workshop here at Cal Poly. I've met some[...]
Throwback Thursday: Apple Inspired Dining Room
For the last Throwback Thursday post, I'll be reminiscing on my very first post... Back in 2009, I designed this dining[...]
Investigating Site
On Saturday, we hiked up into Poly Canyon. In addition to seeing some of the old architecture projects up there,[...]
Motivation Monday: Success
Good morning everyone!It's the last week of camp and I can't believe how far we've all come. After pushing ourselves[...]
Earthquake High-Rise Project
This morning, we constructed high-rises that we put on an earthquake simulating shake table in the afternoon. We worked in[...]
Sail and Truss Project
Wednesday, we had another Architectural Engineering project. The professor showed us different methods of making spans, like with trusses or suspension,[...]
Five Cube Project
On Tuesday, we started Architectural Engineering with another cube project! Given a number, 1 to 5, we had to design[...]
Throwback Thursday: Warm Great Room
It's Throwback Thursday once again!I'm throwing it back to one of my personal favorite designs this week...the Warm Great Room! What's your favorite[...]
Meet the RA: Ariana
Today I have another wonderful RA to introduce you to, Ariana. She’ll be a fourth year architecture student studying in[...]
Sun and Shade Backyard Project
Today we had another guest professor, JoAnn, introduce us to sustainable design. We focused on sun and shade in our[...]
Urban Design Project
These past few days we've had a guest professor, Umut , teach us some basics of Urban Design. We started with[...]
Meet the RA: Chip
Hello everyone! I’d like to introduce you to another of my wonderful RA’s today, Chip! He’s a third year architecture[...]
Motivation Monday: Drive
Good morning everyone!It's sad to think that camp is halfway over, but we've learned a lot and make some great[...]
Throwback Thursday: Prefab House Design
It's Throwback Thursday number two!Remember this?My Prefab House Design!What are you reminiscing about today?This post is part of a series[...]
Meet the RA: Braelyn
Hello everyone! I had a fun first weekend in San Luis. On Saturday we went downtown to sketch and on[...]
Downtown Sketches
Saturday morning we went to downtown San Luis Obispo. Mark talked about how climate can influence architecture and how cities grow[...]
Photo and Light Projects
After our photo safari on Friday, we printed out two of our pictures and mounted them on cardstock. Then we[...]
Motivation Monday: Passion
Good morning everyone!We made it through the first week and that fearless creativity sure did help! Now that we're settled[...]
Watercolor Lesson
Today we had a watercolor lesson! Yay! I've been wanting to learn how to do watercolor for a while now[...]
Shading Lesson
Yesterday our drawing lesson was on shading. We played with value and texture in art and architecture. Our homework was to add shading[...]
Photo Safari
We had a guest professor today and he talked to us about photographing architecture by focusing on details and composition.[...]
Suspended Music Project
Yesterday we worked on a project in pairs to make something inspired by the rhythm and emotion of music. My partner[...]
Throwback Thursday: Pink Apartment Model
Welcome to my first Throwback Thursday post!If you aren't already familiar, "Throwback Thursday" is a social media "tradition" to post[...]
Materials Project
Mark and the RAs loved my double cube. I think what made it so successful is how you could tell[...]
Perspective Lesson
For our drawing lesson today, we learned about perspective! Yay my favorite! Our homework assignment was to draw our dorm[...]
Motivation Monday: Fearless Creativity
Good morning everyone!We made it through an eventful first night in the dorms complete with a power outage and a[...]
My SLO Summer: my experience at Cal Poly’s Summer Architecture Career Workshop
Hello everyone!I have very exciting news to share today!! Over the next four weeks I'll be participating in Cal Poly's Summer[...]
How To Become an Architect
So you want to be an architect?Well there are a few steps you have to fulfill before you can practice[...]
Philadelphia University
Philadelphia University is a leader in the fields of architecture, design, engineering, business, textiles, and health and sciences. They offer[...]
University of Idaho
Another architecture program I found interesting was at University of Idaho. It offers a Bachelor of Science in Architecture as[...]
Syracuse University
Another wonderful New York architecure university is Syracuse. It's a private school in the mid-sized city of Syracuse, New York.[...]
Rice University
Another university with an amazing architecture program is Rice University. It's a private university located in the large city of Houston,[...]
National Portfolio Day Event Review
I attended National Portfolio Day at the San Francisco Art Institute this past weekend. I wasn't sure what to expect and[...]
Cornell University
It's my second college review! Last time I introduced Cal Poly. Today I'll be telling you a little about Cornell.[...]
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
New to If Walls Could Dream, college reviews! First, I'll introduce you to Cal Poly. It was one of the[...]