Last weekend, I visited San Luis Obispo for Cal Poly’s Open House.
I went to Farmer’s Market Thursday evening and checked out the Cal Poly club booths as well as the fruit stands. Friday morning, I got checked in at the College of Architecture & Environmental Design table.
I went to information sessions, saw Vellum projects (Cal Poly’s furniture design competition) such as the concrete chair below, toured the Solar Decathlon House, and even went to a rodeo!
Saturday, I visited more club booths (and got lots of cool free stuff!!) and then headed out to Design Village in Poly Canyon.
On the bottom of the hill were projects by other colleges (from community colleges, to four-year universities, to other colleges within Cal Poly).
The top half of the hill was all first year architecture studio students from Cal Poly.
I was so impressed by the variety of concepts and materials, and the amazing view! I can’t wait to be a part of it next year!
If walls could dream… they’d dream of spending a night in Poly Canyon.