This is a modern, 5 story tall, house. The first floor is the garage. The second floor is the bedroom. The third floor is the living and dining room. The fourth floor is the kitchen and a small porch. The fifth floor is the bathroom. An elevator connects the five levels.
If walls could dream… they’d dream of five story houses.
Buying a new coffee table.
You never want your coffee table higher than the cushins of your couch. So, before you click “buy” on make sure the table is lower than the cushins of your couch.
Also keep scale, style, and color in mind when buying a coffee table.
Ottomans are a great alternative to a coffee table. They provide extra seating, you can put a tray on them to place things on them more easily, and they are very kid friendly because of their soft edges.
This is a bathroom. The walls and cieling are the same color. This really highlights the crown molding. The vanity is the only real “bathroom” item in this picture. It has a simple sink and a towel and soap dispenser sitting on the light granate countertop. Notice the doors to the closet at the left of the picture. I thought of this volcano effect when the door was just half colored. I stopped coloring brown and fulled the rest in with gray.
If walls could dream… they’d dream of volcano doors.
This is the Eiffel Tower.
I didn’t design it, but I drew it. Well, I drew it with help from wikihow.
If walls could dream… they’d dream of the Eiffel Tower.
The Emerson House by Brincadada is a modern dollhouse.
Complete with sliding doors and solar-powered LED lights, this is not your grandmother’s dollhouse.
Brinca Dada also makes modern furnature and uber cool dolls.
If walls could dream… they’d dream of modern dollhouses.